Volunteers made the translations for the film subtitles.
Voices from the Shadows has been translated into eight languages and subtitled in Swedish, Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Italian, German and Japanese.
The translators are volunteers and are either people with ME/CFS or relatives of patients. This has taken dedication and a long time, as some are only able to concentrate for short periods of time and needed to spread the work over many months. Some are professional translators, but others are not. Most translations have had input from several people, including professionals in different areas, to ensure the translations are as accurate as possible.
Details about some of the translators.
Spanish: Sanne Vuik.
I’m Dutch and I’ve been living in Spain (Asturias) for the last 12 years. I studied Romance Languages in Antwerp (Belgium) and work as a freelance translator.
The reason why I wanted to collaborate with the subtitling of ‘Voices’ was because I work for the Dutch ME organisation ME/cfs Vereniging as a volunteer. My mother and sister have ME and I think it’s very important that people know more about this illness.
For more information, my websites are: www.talentranslation.com and http://www.proz.com/profile/758827
Czech: the team at www.me-cfs.cz
Adding the Czech subtitles to “Voices from the Shadows” was a team effort by the volunteers from the Club of Patients with ME/CFS (www.me-cfs.cz). The objective of the Club is increasing awareness about ME. All activities of the Club are provided by a group of volunteers who are patients, their family members and friends of the families affected. The film translation was done by four healthy people and two people ill with ME. One of the people with ME got ill in 2004 and the other one in 1995 and both suffer with the severe form of the disease.
I am a ME patient in Japan, a representative of “Mark House & Projects ~May 12th ME/CFS Japan~”. We strive to raise awareness for ME as well as May 12th ME/CFS International Awareness Day in Japan. The film will make a big difference for ME patients in Japan, and we are all very grateful to all those who helped with making the film. www.markhouse-projects.com