The International Association for CFS/ME have produced an excellent Primer for Clinical Practitioners containing guidelines for diagnosing and treating people with ME, or CFS as it is known in the USA and many countries. This is an invaluable resource for doctors, giving a comprehensive view of the many different aspects of the illness. The Primer gives guidance on making an accurate diagnosis and excluding other conditions which are commonly confused with ME and then covers the management and treatment of the illness, including related conditions such as orthostatic intolerance and cardiovascular symptoms, gastrointestinal problems or multiple chemical sensitivity. One critical aspect is that it discusses post-exertional consequences; the malaise and exacerbation of symptoms or deterioration which can follow any activity which exceeds an individual’s personal energy ‘envelope’. Importantly for patients and doctors in the UK the Primer warns doctors against approaches such as graded exercise therapy which, although widely recommended for chronic fatigue, has been proved to be not only generally of little use but can be positively harmful when used for treating patients with ME. The Primer is an invaluable tool for doctors and one which I feel patients should download (while making a donation to the IACFS/ME as requested) and take it for their doctors to read. It can be downloaded from the IACFS/ME website here .