Voices from the Shadows

Paediatric videos

Josh and I made these two paediatric videos earlier this year, 2018, using a discussion between Dr Nigel Speight and Prof Peter Rowe. See the ‘Paediatric ME/CFS‘ tab above. They were screened recently at Stormont at the Hope 4 ME &Fibro conference and were commended by the Chief Medical Officer of Northern  Ireland, Dr Michael McBride and the Patient & Client Council representative, who expressed a desire that the videos to be provided to GPs. http://voicesfromtheshadowsfilm.co.uk/paediatric-mecfs/

I am keen to have feedback on the videos from others, to know whether families, GPs and other professionals find them useful. This will help inform our work on our new project, “Dialogues for a neglected illness”. Please post messages on the film website comments section (when that section is turned on again) or on Facebook, or write to me using the film contact form.

We would like these videos to be easily available to patients and doctors. I will provide a short downloadable flier to hand to GPs, teachers etc  – shortly. If any charities and support groups would like to put them on their website we can change the access permissions to enable that. We ask that the background information about Dr Speight and Prof Rowe be retained to accompany the videos, along with the links to paediatric resources.

This is the Norwegian charity ME-Foreningen’s  page showing the videos and translations of the written material. http://www.me-foreningen.info/om-me/sykdomsbeskrivelse/pediatrisk-me/

So, if you would like to put them on your charity or support group website, please get in touch and let us know – using the ‘Voices from the Shadows’ contact page.

Thank you, Natalie Boulton