Voices from the Shadows

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis -Adult and Paediatric International Consensus Primer for Clinicians released.

Marj van de Sande – co editor  – “The Myalgic Encephalomyelitis International Consensus Panel is pleased to announce that the International Consensus Primer (ICP) for ME has been completed.  The ICP is a one stop, user-friendly reference that specifically targets primary care physicians and specialists in internal medicine.”

It is available free in PDF format here http://hetalternatief.org/ICC%20primer%202012.pdf  and “can be downloaded, posted on websites, and reprinted, provided people comply with all the conditions listed on the title page,”

“Background: An International Consensus Panel was formed with the purpose of developing criteria and a physicians’ primer for ME based on current knowledge. The 26 member panel, consisting of clinicians, research investigators, teaching faculty, and an independent educator, represent diverse backgrounds, medical specialities and geographical regions. Collectively the members of the panel have diagnosed and/or treated more than 50 000 patients who have ME, have approximately 500 years of both clinical and teaching experience and have authored hundreds of peer-reviewed publications.

Criteria: The International Consensus Criteria (ICC) were published in the Journal of Internal Medicinein 2011.

Primer: The (ME-ICP) includes a summary of pathophysiological findings, the ICC, diagnostic and treatment guidelines and appendices. The ICP represents the collective wisdom and experience of the members of the panel gleaned through research and hundreds of thousands of hours of clinical investigations, upon which the ICC and ICP are based. The panel hopes that the ICP will enhance clarity and understanding of ME, consistency of diagnosis and optimal treatment internationally.

The ICP is a not-for-profit educational document that can be downloaded, posted on websites, and reprinted providing people comply with all the conditions listed on the title page.”