The videos from the March 2014 Stanford ME/CFS Symposium were available to view on the Stanford website at –
They cover –
1 – Epidemiology of ME/CFS, What Have We Learned?
Elizabeth R. Unger, MD, PhD
2 – Daily Fluctuations of Cytokines in ME/CFS Patients
. Jarred Younger, MD
Gene Expression Findings in ME/CFS.
Amit Kaushal, MD, PhD
3 – Lunch and Learn “Media Portrayal of ME/CFS”
. Moderator: Phil Bronstein
. Panel: Natalie Boulton, David Tuller, Erin Allday
4 – Cardiovascular Aging in CFS.
Mehdi Skhiri, MD
MRI Findings in ME/CFS.
Michael Zeineh, MD, PhD
EEG/LORETA Studies Suggest Cortical Pathology in ME/CFS
Marcie Zinn, PhD, Mark Zinn, MM
5 – Approach to the Medical Care of a ME/CFS Patient: Medical Interview and Diagnostic Pitfalls.
Anthony L. Komaroff, MD
Microbial Diagnostics and Discovery in ME/CFS
W. Ian Lipkin, MD
Closing Remarks.
Jose G. Montoya, MD