Voices from the Shadows

UK premiere – London & Norwich screenings in December – organised by IiME.

Invest in ME are hosting screenings of Voices from the Shadows in Norwich on Dec.2nd and in London on Dec. 7th.

These will be evening long events with an introduction, a screening of the film followed by discussions with invited guest speakers and refreshments. These are important events, being not only an opportunity to watch the film but also to hear more about the current situation in the UK and moves to improve the shocking state of affairs that the film reveals. It is a chance for those who can make a real impact to learn more about ME and the plight of patients and carers, and is also an occasion when those of us who care about the situation can get together. The panel discussion will be followed by refreshments – a chance to meet with others in a similar situation.

More information on the London screening is available here

More information on the Norwich screening is available here


2 responses to “UK premiere – London & Norwich screenings in December – organised by IiME.”

  1. Amy Avatar

    Can you tell us when the film will become available for general viewing in the UK, on television or DVD, for those of us too ill to travel to the UK premiere or even our local cinema? I desperately want to see it. Thanks.

    1. Admin Avatar

      Hi Amy, sorry but we won’t be making up personal dvd’s just yet. After so much work and such wonderful help from all the participants, we need to get the film out in way that will actually help patients long term – if we possibly can – but that takes time and persistence and more work!

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