Voices from the Shadows

VftS wins ‘Favourite International Doc’ Award

Can’t tell you how happy I am to be able to write this, but we just found out this morning that we won the “Audience Favourite International Documentary Award” for Voices from the Shadows (thats quite a mouthful!) A huge thanks to everyone at Mill Valley and all those who have been to see the film and voted for us – it is fantastic news for the film and for me personally it’s massive!!

As a side update – Im still working on tidying up and prepping a master copy as we work towards a general release, I’m afraid life just sometimes gets in the way! That said though we’ll get news to you as soon as we have it!




3 responses to “VftS wins ‘Favourite International Doc’ Award”

  1. Kim Larke Avatar
    Kim Larke

    I saw this film on 2nd Dec 2011 in Norwich, Norfolk. I desperately need a copy of this film so the sooner it is on general release the better. My partner who is also my work colleague has ME, we both work for a charitable trust and she is now struggling to keep her job. Work has now brought in a new sickness policy that picks up on sporadic absences, we have now had to get our union involved. I would so love to show our trustees (two of which are GP’s) but I fear it may be too late. This film must be shown worldwide to stop this dicrimination.

    1. Admin Avatar

      Hi Kim, Glad to hear you made it to the screening and it sounds as though it made quite and impression on you. I’m sorry to hear you partner is ill and can understand you are desperate for something to help. Josh and I are doing our best to make the most of the film as a tool for helping change perceptions and understanding and so help patients, just as we have been doing for the last 2-3 years of making it – but all stages have seemed slow to us and take a lot of persistence. Fortunately we are getting support and help with this from people in the US and so things are progressing as fast as they possibly can.

  2. Lewis Walch Avatar

    A film and exposé well overdue. Well done.

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